Posted by misslampitt | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 24, 2022
Here you can find information about your weekly homework:
Maths & English Homework:
Each week, you will be given a maths page to complete from the CGP Mathematics Book and a comprehension task from your CPG Comprehensions Book. Information about the weekly task is stapled inside the front cover of your books.
You will be given the homework on a Friday, to be completed by the following Wednesday. We will aim to mark it in class on either Thursday or Friday afternoons so please keep your homework books in your bag in readiness for this.
You should also try to read your school reading book daily to an adult at home and record this in your Reading Diary.
Spellings follow the Spelling Shed scheme and can be found when you log onto Spelling Shed Stage 5. You will also need to practise spelling the Y3/4 statutory words – you should know these by Year 5, and then practise the Y5/6 statutory spellings.
You can view the spelling lists on the link at the top of the blog .
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
Mrs Lakes, Mrs Mullinder & Miss Lampitt